Fibre Optic Sensor Arrays for Vibrometry and Acoustic Sensing
The Applied Metrology Laboratory can trace its origins back to the development of high precision fibre optic sensors. These sensors are often incorporated into arrays, enabling sensing over a wide area which is required for applications in structural health monitoring, oil and gas exploration and surveillance.
Alongside conventional methods such as wavelength division multiplexing, the Applied Metrology Laboratory has looked to incorporate digital interferometric methods to augment these sensor arrays. Digital interferometry is a phase metrology technique, developed by members of the Space Technology group at CGA. By leveraging the digital signal processing techniques used in digital interferometry, we can design new fibre optic architectures which are more robust, have higher sensitivity and are lower cost than prior implementations.
To date, work in this area includes the development of acoustic sensor arrays for oil and gas exploration in collaboration with industry partners, structural monitoring as well as free-space implementations for audio-band vibrometry including multi-aperture systems for source triangulation. Work in this area draws heavily on AML’s experience in digital signal processing methods and fibre optics.
AML started by applying gravitational wave detection technology to fibre sensing arrays. Among many applications, one partnership investigated the development of sensor arrays for undersea acoustic sensing.