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Our culture
At CGA, we value and celebrate equity, diversity, inclusion and respectful relationships. We strive to nurture a positive culture in all aspects of our professional career and to maintain a safe and welcoming work environment where everyone is confident to bring their whole self to.
CGA is committed to pursue its equity and diversity agenda by taking action-oriented steps in educating its staff and recruiting a diverse team.
Education and culture
CGA does not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, discrimination or microaggression.
- Staff and students are encouraged to raise their concerns directly with their manager or centre directorate or through the centre’s anonymous feedback form. Students, in addition, have access to two student representatives.
- We have set up a 'quiet room' for anyone with medical, sensory, maternity or spiritual needs or anyone who needs to take a break to de-stress from work.
- Staff and students have access to a number of helplines at ANU, including (but not limited to) counselling service, Staff Advisor, and ANU Wellbeing and Support line.
- Staff members have access to ample training materials and workshops on the topics of equity and diversity, equal opportunity, unconscious bias, mental health, and more.
- We have set up a 'culture' bookshelf covering topics around equity and diversity, respectful work relations and mental health support training.
- Supervisors and managers are required to keep their ‘HDR supervisor’ and ‘HR Supervisor’ training up to date to ensure they can provide the best support and care to their staff and students.
- We have trained staff and students who are members of the ANU Ally Network and advocate LGBTIQA+ rights.
CGA acknowledges that the diversity profile of STEM – and astrophysics in particular – is in immediate need of improvement. We endeavour to
- attract underrepresented groups to our open positions, from postgraduate to Professor level,
- use gender-neutral language in our job advertisements,
- promote flexible work arrangements and inclusive culture and support for mental and physical health needs in our job advertisements,
- enforce relevant training for selection committee members to ensure fairness in the selection process,
- have gender-balance in our selection committees and in candidate shortlists,
- evaluate applications with an ‘achievement relevant to opportunity’ approach,
- evaluate applications against at least one selection criterion about ‘understanding equity and diversity concepts and demonstrated achievements or advocacy in their work areas’.
We believe it is with collegiality, transparency, inclusion, and respectful behaviours that our team reaches its scientific and professional excellence.