Cosmic Explorer South, a 40-kilometre long, $1.5 billion instrument to detect Gravitational Waves

An artist's impression of how a 40 kilometre gravity wave observatory would look. In the sky above it are some of the black holes it might detect.CREDIT:MATTHEW EVANS / SUPPLIED
29 November 2019

CGA is participating in an effort to design the largest gravitational wave detector ever built. This detector that is nicknames Cosmic Explorer South, will be L-shape with 40-kilometre long arms and is a node of a global network of GW detectors around the world along with the Einstein Telescope in Europe and Cosmic Explorer in the US. Cosmic Explorer South would allow scientists to triangulate the source of any waves detected.

Cosmic Explorer website

Further Information

Updated:  25 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web