ARC Linkage Grant Awarded to Test and Review the Success of Teaching Einstein’s Theories

25 March 2019

Prof. Susan Scott is among the leaders of a group of Gravitational Wave researchers who are granted $898,560 ARC Linkage funding, announced by the Minister for Education Dan Tehan on March 19th. This project aims to explore teaching the modern Einsteinian paradigm of space, time, matter, light and gravity to students as young as 8 years old.

The Einstein First project will focus on testing and evaluating a seamless progression of learning modern physics through primary and secondary school developed through a 7-nation collaboration, with view to worldwide introduction of Einsteinian science at school.

The research will be led by Chief Investigator Emeritus Professor David Blair (UWA), Professor Susan Scott (ANU) and collaborators.

Updated:  11 March 2020/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web